Monday, February 7, 2011


Oh, I believe this is the most unwanted moment in life when u hv been in a holiday mood for 7 days! 
but, what to do?i've no choice, if only i'm working with my own working hour, not 8.30-5.30 office hour, 5 days a week, almost 40km journey every day! 
nway, Alhamdulillah, me & my family arrived in Putrajaya about 10.30 am Sunday morning. we started our journey from Pmtg Pauh at 5.30 a.m, to avoid traffic jam and Alhamdulillah traffic was fine, but dat makes en hubby speed up to 140km/h! especially when I'm asleep (I knew it..)

1 comment:

  1. mane de dear, i ni driver yg berhemah key..110km/s je..haha..xderla, i know the limit..mcm nampak je ek..(dlm mimpi ker? huhu)
