Monday, December 31, 2012

SetelaH SekiaN LamA

Assalamualaikum all!
syukur Alhamdulillah setelah sekian lama, masih lagi dikurniakan kesempatan meng'update' blog! ^_^
akhirnya dapat jugak curi2 masa utk update blog kat ofis ni,
yes, today is the last day for 2012! & of course la ramai bosses yang bercuti.
left all the 'coolies' only in the office today,
& ramai pulak yang balik awal..ish ish ish..(excluding me ya!)
Last Monday, my older sister safely delivered her 2nd daughter!
alhamdulillah she's so cute & adorable!
Nurhasya Aulia', quite difficult to pronounce yet so uniqe & meaningful!
may Allah grant both my sis & Hasya good health insyaAllah!
here she is before & after 'cukur rambut'!
fresh lagi nih!

selepas di'botakkan'!
And last 17th  Dec 2012 was me & my chubby hubby's 2nd anniversary!
Alhamdulillah, it was great & i'm so grateful that we have spent 2 years together,
all the bitter sweet we went through, all the hope & dreams we shared!
i must thank Allah for all the blesses, a truly great, unexpected, priceless & meaningful anniversary gift we received from Allah, insyaAllah may Allah make it easy & smooth for us,amiin!
wish u all HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013, have a blissful days ahead & may Allah be pleased with us throughout the year!
Amiin, amiin, amiin....