Another one month and 4 weeks to go to my wedding day, after all it's not just a wedding, it's a marriage!it's for lifetime! sometimes, I wonder if I'm well prepared to become a wife? huhu..i don't know and I'm not sure.
Am I ready??
To be a WIFE? (excited!)
To live with him for d rest of my life? (cm best je ni...)
To cook for him everyday? (ye ye je..)
To be a loyal, solehah wife for him? (amiin..)
Not to argue/fighting with him? (ssh ni..)
To get along with all his family, siblings, parents?? (ramai tuh..)
To get to know all his sedara mara from Kelantan and Terengganu? (aym and itik conversation will b..hehe)
To prioritize him in everything (yg relevant je la..) even my parents will be no 2? :(
After all, I believe ISLAM is the best way of life. Setiap hukum , peraturan yg Allah ciptakan, kejadian yg Allah izinkan pasti ada hikmahnya..insyaAllah, kebahagiaan semanis madu memerlukan pengorbanan sepahit hempedu..
moral of d story! - jgn ingt nk seronok je bila nak kawin, bnyk yg perlu dikorbankan untuk dptkn kebahagiaan hidup berumahtangga.. ^_^
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