Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Better You!

WANNA BE A BETTER U? move on! move one stage ahead, berjihrah!..


for instance, if you're single, get married, if you're unemployed, get a job!, if you're degree holder, further study!, if your friends surrouding are 'bad', find a better one!..well, its always not easy to move on..

in my case, i get married with my 'ex bf' (now dh jd hubby la! ^_^) after almost 6 years coupling...astaghfirullah :'( may Allah forgive us..for that 6 years i keep on feeling guilty and full of sins, but i keep on doing the same things at d same time still hoping for extraordinary results, thats what we call INSANITY! yes, Alhamdulillah..Allah loves me so much (Allah loves all His servant actually..), we're married with that lafaz nikah, we're a halal couple, and we feel so blessed with that relationship..and with that, I determine to change, to transform myself to become a better muslimah especially to be a good wife, isteri solehah! ^_^

sgt bnyak ruang & peluang utk seorg isteri mengumpul pahala dgn hanya bersuami! ya! stp perbuatan, senyuman, layanan, kata2, yg menyenangkan hati suami selagi mana x bertentangan dgn syariat akan menghasilkan pahala, even cuma tuangkn air utk suami je, even cuma senyum kt dia je.. ^_^ best kn?

inna maa'l u'sri yusra, fainna maa'l u'sri yusra..mst ada kesusahan di sebalik semua kesenangan tu..so, we must be strong kn? its not easy when u have to share all ur life with someone else called husband -mkin lama mkin bnyak true colors yg akn kt nmpk-true colors tu termasuklah baik & buruk, accept him the way he is while keep on trying to upgrade ourself & him too,but remember, SLOWLY, man, they have ego..so we must be cool and calm,be patient. teringat pn Roza (wife to Prof Kamil) yg sgt sabar dn bergantung 100% pd Allah dn akhirnya suami berubah menjadi spt yg diinginkn, (dr segi amal ibadah & akhlak Muslim), we must keep in mind all those pahala and reward promised by Allah for an obedient wife..kalu kt derhaka, kt xkn dpt bau syurga pn tau.. 


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