Alhamdulillah hari ni kita masih dikurniakan nikmat kesihatan, masih lg bernafas di muka bumi Allah ni, syukur pd Allah swt..
As early as 6.20 am today, i was surprised with one bad news..yes, it is negative again, as usual i would say..
it has never been positive since i got married for the last 13 months which means 13 cycles..
i keep thinking, whats wrong with me? i'm done with laparoscopy and dr Adilah said that everything is good, the egg is big enough, my womb & fallopian tube is in good condition. My expectation is too high this time,
after laps when dr adilah removed the polyps which is deteriorating my possibility to conceive, and to still seeing only 1 line this morning is very very very frustrating.. :'(
However, I’m still grateful to Allah, there are a lot lot lot of other ni’mah that He gave & is giving to me that I should be grateful of..insyaAllah, en hubby said, he believe that one day, Allah will answer our fine day..insyaAllah..
this is not easy for me, but i will make it through, insyaAllah, biiznillah..
insyaAllah wani.. Xde silap kat mana-mana, cuma munkin rezeki tu belum sampai.. ada lah hikmahnya yang kita tak tau.. Believe in HIM, for HE is de BEST PLANNER. =)
ye betol tu, cuma kita je yg selalu merungut dn ssh nk redha..insyaAllah, niat yg baik, Allah mesti tunaikan, cuma mngkn blm smpi masanya lg..
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